Friday, January 27, 2012

You've been warned: Time's up on Facebook gaffes

FACEBOOK will soon expose users who post embarrassing photos and status updates, whether they like it or not.
The social networking giant will force users on to its new timeline function, which displays their entire history on the site - from status updates to photos - within a matter of weeks, the Herald Sun reported.
Search engine Google has joined the social network in forcing privacy changes on its Google Account users after advising it would share user information between searches, YouTube, Google+ and its other services from March 1.

Both made the announcements in blogs, with Facebook saying: "Over the next few weeks, everyone will get timeline."
Google noted "Our new Privacy Policy makes clear that, if you're signed in, we may combine information you've provided from one service with information from other services."
Timeline is a feature announced by the social network late last year that reorganises people's Facebook page to tell their "life story".
But for those who don't use a seven-day grace period to moderate what will appear on their old profile page, it could soon expose embarrassing photos they had forgotten about.
Australian Privacy Foundation vice-chair David Vaile equated the social network to a "naughty teenager" for not encouraging people to think through the changes.
He warned people whose lives had moved on from embarrassing photos that they might face more serious consequences if they resurfaced.
"Up until now you had security by obscurity - now at Facebook's whim rather than yours, stuff will come back bubbling up from your past," Mr Vaile said.
"And one of the problems with Facebook's model of encouraging people not to worry about security is it disrespects other people as well."

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